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Disclaimer and Copyright Infringement

Disclaimer and Copyright Infringement

I Love Coco sell hundred of products which are made in our own manufacturing facility. However for information and demonstration purposes we use mock up, alternative product image to describe product more accurately.

If you believe I Love Coco has taken credit for or otherwise used your content illegally, it suffices to notify the I Love Coco(as an offender) in writing that you own the copyright for the content in question and politely ask to take it down.

Please consider followings before contacting

  • We may ask for verification that you are the correct copyright holder of the content you wish to remove.
  • We do not care if the file is hosted on a 3rd party host/file-sharing-platform for example, Mediafire, etc.
  • The claim must be written in English and be understandable and polite.
  • The claim must be sent from a company mail, claims from free email services like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail will be rejected.
  • Provide sufficient contact information with a valid email address.
  • Please allow 72 hours for an email response(for the take-down).

Note that emailing your complaint to other parties such as our Internet Service Provider will not expedite your request and may result in a delayed response due to the complaint not properly being filed.

So please fill the following form

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I Love Coco reserves the sole rights to make any changes to these polices/terms/conditions at any time without prior notice.

NAVIK Mills (PVT) LTD is not responsible for the content or functionality of third-party websites linked from our site.

© 2022 I Love Coco, All Rights Reserved. I Love Coco™ logo is the registered trademark of NAVIK Mills (PVT) LTD, All other trademarks included herein are the property of their respective owners.